Feel better and reach your personal goals. This class is designed to improve, strengthen, and balance the body through targeted movements that are foundational and critical to the body and everyday life. Called AODL or Activities of Daily Life, these movements target the hips, pelvis, shoulders, core, as well as strength. During the workout you’ll feel the burn, but afterwards you’ll feel great and be ready to tackle the day ahead. Just like the name says, Fitness for Life.
Instructor, Scott McRae
Class will take place online
Meeting ID: 895 0756 3912
Passcode: 304328
All ability levels welcome
For ages 16 and older
For more information please contact Member Services at (530)550-3800.
Due to the nature of events, we ask that you commit to your reservation so that we can accommodate as many Members as possible and honor our commitment to vendors and other departments who are supporting the event. All events have a one week cancellation policy, where Tahoe Mountain Club Members are subject to being charged in-full for an event if they do not show at the event or cancel within the given time frame.
Please refer to above policy to see if guests are permitted at this event. Members will be responsible for paying any applicable guest fees in addition to the cost of the event ticket.
13051 Fairway Drive. Truckee, CA 96161 | (530) 550-3800